ProActive acne treatment, does it work? - Yahoo! Answers.
How well does ProActive work? - Yahoo! Answers.
Does proactive work ? Yes or No ? - Yahoo! Answers.
Does Proactive really work? - Yahoo!7 Answers.Proactive works on some people but not on everyone. The bad part about proactive is that your skin get dependent on it, so if you stop you'll start to. Lol wat u think? apparently it's meant to work extremely well as long as you keep the routine up. The proactive would probably work even better if you had a.
Does PROACTIVE work? - Yahoo! Answers.
Does proactive really work?!? - Yahoo! Answers.To be honest I say it don't work my cousin has acne problems and he ordered proactive thinking it will clear up his face it's been a month and it looks. Proactiv shows results in about 1 week. Your face really starts to clear up. I tell people all the time that I use it and they always tell me I don't need it. To start off saying. everyones skin reacts differently to different products so it's hard to say if it will work for you. The only comment I would like to. Nope. I'll give you the reasons why. This could get long but I'm going to go into as much detail as possible. I've tried Proactive on (2) separate.
Does proactive work with people with oily skin? - Yahoo! Answers.
does proactive work yahoo answers
does proactive work yahoo answers
Does Proactive really work? what are the results? - Yahoo! Answers.